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for Joomla

Open source components, modules and plugins for Joomla

Events articles

One module and one plugin to manage events dates and locations in articles

Events in articles

A new event tab in articles of Joomla with two lines for the date, two lines for the location and a short description of the event. Very simple, but enough in a lot of cases !

Display events in articles

Display the events in articles, archived articles, featured articles, category blog... with or without icons, before or after the title, before or after the content and much more...

Events in module

The module allows an interactive navigation between articles selected from one or more categories of Joomla. Displaying of events with or without icons, before or after the title, before or after the content and much more...


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Can I help you ?

The components, modules and plugins above are free and provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, express or implied and there is not a technical support.

I can not provide support for the above components, modules and plugins, but if you wish to contact me for any other reason, please fill in the form, I will reply as soon as possible.

+339 52 62 01 27

Christelle Olivier
33 rue Fourmentel
59800 Lille France